Shorter Ingraham: Why Can't Oligarchs Keep Their Yachts?

Putin couldn't have said it better.

Thursday night Laura Ingraham ranted that it "appears to be useless" to seize assets from Russian oligarchs as worldwide sanctions take hold against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Even though RT is out of service here in the US, Putin and his cronies have Fox News hosts to echo and promote their concerns.

Ingraham played some video of Jenn Psaki's press briefing being asked how effective the sanctions against Russia have been.

Then she wasted little time in defending the Russian elites by claiming the severe economic sanctions being imposed by the world are useless.

Ingraham said, "Even if we could expeditiously freeze every oligarch's luxury assets, would that really stop the suffering of Ukrainian people that's happening right now?"

After doing a bad Putin impersonation, Laura took these words right out of Putin's mouth.

Ingraham said, "Is there a possibility that this could backfire? And make things even worse for Ukraine," Ingraham asked?

Ingraham is telling her viewers it's a waste of time to put any economic sanctions on Russia and their billionaires.

Ingraham never said what she believes should be done to stop Russia, just whatever Biden proposes, it must be wrong.

I'm just shocked the Fox News host didn't blame President Biden for trying to cancel Russia like they did to Pepé Le Pew.

UPDATE: It's probably safe to say that MSNBC's Joy Reid is not a fan.

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