Rubio Doubles Down On Appalling Lack Of Respect For Security Measures
Florida's senator tells George Stephanopoulos that he definitely knows better than Ukraine's ambassador what constitutes a security risk to Pres. Zelensky, and his middle school stunt of tweeting out a picture of the Zoom call isn't one of them.
Sen. Marco Rubio lacked the good sense to stay off the airwaves this morning, and made an appearance on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, wherein Rubio was questioned about his appalling lack of respect for security measures during a Zoom call with Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky.
Stephanopoulos told him, "You're facing some criticism from fellow legislators for tweeting out a picture of President Zelensky during his Zoom with Congress yesterday. The ambassador asked members not to do that because it would endanger Zelensky. Why did you ignore that request?"
Rubio rolled his eyes, and decided this was the hill on which he was going to die. Foreign policy with a dash of misogyny thrown in for good luck.
"First of all, she said that well into the call," he began. "Second, there was no security risk in that at all."
Here comes the part where he says maybe the little lady didn't know what she was talking about.
"Perhaps she was under the impression that the Zoom call was a secret. It had been broadly reported, like, multiple outlets, maybe even ABC had tweeted it was at 9:30, there were over 300 people on this call, the details of this call were emailed to a bunch of people, and it was a nondescript picture, unlike, just like the other ones you've seen on the air, so there's no security risk there," Rubio concluded, smug, if sweaty.
"You don't believe you put him at risk?" pressed Stephanopoulos.
"No," answered Rubio flatly, as if it were an insult to even be questioned.
Twitter was unimpressed.
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