Pat Robertson Tries To Rush Along The Apocalypse

The Final Days can't start fast enough for this evangelical windbag so he wants to play chicken with nuclear warheads.

Pat Robertson peeked into his old stomping grounds at the 700 Club and demanded President Biden play chicken with our nukes against Russia.

For Robertson, the world isn't being tough enough and the US should set up our Trident missiles on Russia to call Putin's bluff.

On February 28th, Robertson claimed Russia attacking Ukraine signals the End Times are a' coming and we are in the Final Says.

Oh, joyous times. he was in rapture.

Wednesday, however, the Republican evangelical wanted to speed up the end of the world process so he demanded Biden use our nuclear arsenal to threaten Russia.

Pat is upset that the US and our allies are being too cautious to start an all-out war with Putin. .

Robertson said, "Let me tell you something. We have the firepower to wipe out every Russian city, just one Trident submarine, and of course we're not using it and have no intention of using it."

Yeah, Pat.

"But why doesn't somebody in the administration call Putin's bluff? He's bluffing," Pat continued. "And every time he says, well, if you do that, we're going to escalate, oh no you're not, old buddy, we're gonna do you if you try to do us, and we will make it worse, and you know it."

"Unfortunately, we have a man in charge in Washington who doesn't like to stand up to bluffs. He folds his winning hand every single time," Robertson complained.

This is crazy talk.

Threatening another country with nukes could trigger an actual launch. An actual nuclear strike. Millions dead in an instant.

I guess if you live for the moment the trumpets blow, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse ride, then this is a wonderful strategy.

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