Queen Of Alternative Facts Says Biden Has A 'Facts' Problem
I have no words.
Kellyanne Conway was proved to be a notorious liar two days after Trump was sworn into office when she tried to defend the lie about the size of Trump's inaugural. She described "false statements" made by Trump and his press secretary as "alternative facts."
On January 23, 2017, I wrote, "Have you ever wondered how bad does one person have to lie to get a dictionary to respond to that lie and almost create a sub-category for it?"
Flash forward to this past Thursday evening with Laura Ingraham.
Conway was discussing Biden's first term and of course, she attacked it mercilessly.
"Joe Biden, and Jenn Psaki, he has this way of playing the blame game, name and shame nonsense of Washington, but it would rely on the American people believing it," said one of the biggest liars in the history of Washington DC.
Conway continued, "They've lost credibility not just in their message and the messengers -- This administration doesn't have a messaging problem. They have a fact problem! This reflected in the polls..."
Conway forgot to mention that Biden's approval numbers rose eight points after the State of the Union address. He continues to gather broad support for the way he's handling Russia.
President Joe Biden’s approval rating has rebounded after hitting record lows in recent months, with a new NPR/Marist poll finding the share of Americans who approve of the president has risen eight percentage points following his State of the Union address while a majority support his response to the crisis in Ukraine.
For the last twenty some odd years, it's always the case that a Democratic President always, and I mean always, is forced to clean up what the previous Republican president left in their wake.
Bush took an actual budget surplus, turned that into a huge deficit, and then left us with the worst global financial collapse since the Great Depression.
It was up to President Obama to clean it up.
Trump, left this country reeling when he refused to take COVID seriously. Then he proceeded to ignore the crisis, thinking bringing it up would hurt his reelection campaign.
Kellyanne isn't stupid; she knows all of this is true. But her job is to lie for Republican propaganda and so she does.