Reporter: Russia? GOPers Fall For Propaganda All The Time
Republicans Who Believe Trump Won are just as brainwashed by propaganda as any Russian, says Julia Ioffe.
On MSNBC Wednesday night, reporter Julia Ioffe said watching Kremlin TV is otherworldly, but explained how Republicans lap up right-wing propaganda just as much in the United States.
"I've actually just spent the last hour or so watching Kremlin TV. It's another reality, it's a parallel universe and it has very little to do with the world you and I know and recognize," Ioffe said.
Sound familiar? Ever watch OANN, Fox News, Newsmax?
Ioffe is a Russian-born American journalist who co-founded Puck and covers a wide spectrum of topics..
Ioffe explained this has been going on for the last 22 years in Russia and unfortunately elderly viewers trust Russian state TV.
Ioffe also explained how words from Fox News's Tucker Carlson are being played in Russian media and used as Putin propaganda.
Ioffe said, "Every time I'm asked by Americans, do Russians really believe this stuff? How can they believe this stuff? as if we don't have the same thing happening here."
"You have what 40% of the population of the American population that was convinced just in one year that Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election. Russians have been subjected to this kind of disinformation for far far longer. It shouldn't be all that surprising Americans fall it too pretty easily," Ioffe said.
So true. So true.
If you ask a MAGA supporter why they think Trump won in 2020, they can't give you a reasoned answer at all.
They claim over and over again there was no way Biden could have won by that many votes.