BunnyGate: The Latest Fauxtrage By Fox News
Fox News is unfit to have the word "News" attached to their network.
During Monday's White House Easter Egg Roll, while President Biden was talking to some people, a staffer dressed up as an Easter bunny came over, said something to him, and Biden walked away.
To Fox and Friends co-hosts, that's the equivalent of the Easter Bunny taking charge of the White House.
I'm writing about this because it's ludicrous even for Fox News. But since Republicans have been taken captive by the Pizzagate/QAnon crowd who are smearing Democrats and teachers as "groomers," nothing, no matter how low or stupid, is off the table any longer.
Earlier in the segment, Steve Doocy was apoplectic, "An advisor, a White House official dressed as an Easter Bunny pulled the president away as he was answering a question about Afghanistan..."
Stop the presses and call in the Secret Service!
Later in the segment, it was Kilmeade's turn to be horrified at what happened.
It's so much worse than Trump sending love letters to Kim Jong-Un, though.
It's so much worse than Trump throwing paper towels at Puerto Ricans after they were devastated by a hurricane.
Kilmeade croaked, “How embarrassing is that?” For him to listen -- at least finish the sentence."
Kilmeade called Biden a robot.
"I don't know how many news outlets are actually telling the story. We are, but who else is?"
Doocy was flabbergasted that no other news networks were covering this travesty committed by President Biden.
Fox News micromanages every single movement President Biden makes, then clips it and then claims he's unfit for office.
Their newest proof comes from the Easter Bunny.
Fox News is unfit to have the word "News" attached to their network.