Fox News Is Stalking Hunter Biden's Wife
Are they tapping her phones, too?

Over the weekend Fox News' Andrew Mark Miller published a "groundbreaking" piece on the Fox News website attacking Melissa Cohen, Hunter's wife, for having the audacity to commit the crime of a "high-priced public jaunt.'
Miller writes, "Hunter Biden’s wife Melissa Cohen was spotted leaving a ritzy Los Angeles restaurant on Friday as the president’s son appears to be lying low amid a loud chorus of Republicans demanding answers about his foreign business dealings."
It's a crime now for the spouse of the president's son to go to a sushi restaurant?
Cohen’s high-priced public jaunt comes as her husband Hunter continues to maintain a low profile while Republicans on Capitol Hill push to investigate his overseas financial ties.
Miller and Fox News’ Jessica Chasmar made sure to highlight the expensive wine list at Nobu. $56 to $8,800 a bottle. Did Cohen order an $8000 bottle? Who knows.
OMG. Put Melissa Cohen in handcuffs for eating a tuna roll. Go to any major city ando check out the wine lists their restaurants have.
In most sushi restaurants in Los Angeles, they are expensive, Nobu is cool because it's in Malibu and the food is good. I went there many years ago before I began writing about politics.
It's not a scandal or some sort of celebrity privilege to eat at Nobu.
But you know, Fox News will do anything to smear the Bidens.