Kudlow Renews His Cringeworthy Take On Lightbulbs
Here we go again.
Trump's former economic advisor burped out a bizarre rant to defend incandescent light bulbs. Really.
The bulbs are being phased out by the Biden administration for their inefficiency.
This is not a controversial move. The New York Times reports much of the US has switched to the more efficient LEDs.
Much of the country is already lit by LED lights, which the Department of Energy estimates last as much as 50 times as long as incandescent bulbs and use a fraction of the electricity. That revolutionary shift has already driven down electricity demand in American homes, saving consumers money and cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
Since they must oppose all things Biden, Fox News' America's Newsroom brought on the stupidest man on economics, Larry Kudlow, to preach about Trump's obsessive fetishes. (No mention of windmills "killing birds" and "causing cancer" though.)
The first thing Kudlow argued was that Trump loved incandescent light bulbs because they made him look better.
Kudlow said, "Trump was very keen on these issues, light bulbs, showerheads, toilet bowls, and dishwashers."
"Trump said that incandescent light bulbs made him look better. He argued that strenuously, " Kudlow said.
F**k progress, efficiency, and cost-saving so the man that looks like he came from the mating of an orange and a corn cob is more worried about his appearance than helping save energy and lower costs?
Kudlow kept arguing that LED bulbs cast some sort of shadow on everything.
John Roberts told Kudlow that the price for LED lights was much lower than the Trump bulbs and the lighting was just fine.
“You can’t see anything with the LED. That’s the whole problem. You get this weird, blue haze. I mean look, I will say this."
Kudlow then argued for consumer choice of light bulbs which is ridiculous any way you look at it. Fox News has been high on consumer choice, like not wearing masks or getting vaccinated for COVID.
Later in the segment Kudlow also complained about showerheads and toilet flow, once again channeling Trump's fetish for household items.
Kudlow is the worst kind of propagandist and that's why he has his own show on Fox Business.
You would think Kudlow, during a time of inflation, would be in favor of the Biden administration's plans to lower energy costs, but you'd be wrong. Kudlow wants Americans to pay more for energy so Trump's ego gets stroked.
Republican priorities are clear: Trump uber alles.