New Polling: Are Republicans Embracing Fascism?

The latest from Politico/Morning Consult poll shows Republicans are embracing racism, anti-Semitism, and homophobia.

The results of a new Politico/Morning Consult poll shows that Republicans are embracing the views of the extreme fever swamps of QAnon, Trump and white nationalism.

Sam Stein explained that they've seen many new Republican candidates that have been "accused of sexual misconduct or domestic abuse and wanted to know what the voter appetite is for these types of candidates."

The results are pretty shocking.

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough called out Republican voters later on in the segment for their turn to fascism.

Scarborough said, "Less than half of Republicans believe that uttering antisemitic remarks, spewing antisemitic remarks, is a serious problem and a roadblock to being elected."

"That tells you a large chunk of the Republican Party right now, a large chunk of the Republican base are, -- I've been using the word 'fascist' for some time."

"That there is a fascist strain in the Republican Party for at least a third or so of those members," Scarborough said.

This isn't a shock to any political observer of note. After Trump lost, Republican state legislators have become actual fascist dictators in their states. Florida and Texas immediately come to mind, but anti-voting and anti-abortion legislation has also been the darlings of Republican state legislatures all over the country.

Willie Geist agreed and said Trump is giving this ugliness cover.

"Some of the newer members of Congress who say the most racist, the most homophobic things are the ones who raise the most money," Geist said.

I'll disagree slightly, in that it's not only new members like the Klan Mom or Boebert, but it's now the older members of the Republican party that are either refusing to condemn this racist bile being spewed by these cretins, or now are joining in.

This may be the first time in history since the KKK was a major political party in America, that a party has embraced these odious beliefs to such an extent.

Republicans are perfectly fine with their candidates spewing anti-Semitic, racist, and homophobic slurs. It's not new, just okay to do in public with Trump at the helm.

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