Tennessee Republican Suggests Burning Banned Books
Rep. John Ray Clemmons (D) asked state Rep. Jerry Sexton (R) what he would do with the books that he and the state consider inappropriate for libraries. "I would burn them,” Sexton replied.
As WaPo and every other civilized person noticed, "Book burning is emblematic of authoritarian regimes, and it was notably carried out in Nazi Germany." So, this begs the question, are today's Republicans modern-day Nazis?
Only a few months ago, Tennessee Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton (R) admonished Rep. John Ray Clemmons (D) as he was trying to honor International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It doesn't appear that Cameron and Jerry Sexton are related but they seem to share the same philosophy.
Source: Washington Post
The Republican-led Tennessee legislature passed a bill Wednesday that would require public school librarians to submit to the state a list of book titles for approval, as a GOP lawmaker suggested burning books that are deemed inappropriate.
During a contentious debate on the bill in the House, state Rep. John Ray Clemmons (D) asked state Rep. Jerry Sexton (R) what he would do with the books that he and the state consider inappropriate for libraries.
“You going to put them in the street? Light them on fire? Where are they going?” Clemmons asked.
“I don’t have a clue, but I would burn them,” Sexton replied.
“That’s what I thought,” Clemmons said.