Tucker: Nobody Was Trans Until Four Years Ago

Um, Tucker? You were talking about trans bathroom bills five years ago.

Tucker's got his panties in a twist again. This time about Biden's video supporting transgender Americans. It was a remarkable statement.

As I said on The Professional Left Podcast this week, his statement was sincere and also politically astute, given that the polls show "don't say gay" bills are hurting Republicans. Biden in his video mentions those fails by name.

But Tucker treats this video with distain and what he thinks is snark. Transcript via Media Matters:

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): So, this administration is standing up for you. And those are words that every American is grateful to hear. But in this case, there's a caveat. “You" means trans seniors. Now, wait a second, you may wonder, as you sit down with your family to celebrate the joy of transgenderism on transgender appreciation day, how many trans seniors are there in this country? No offense, but the trans thing seems pretty new. And if it's not new, how come no one had ever heard of it before, say, four years ago? And is securing trans rights really the biggest problem that old people in America now face?

Of course, Tucker himself discussed transgender bathrooms in 2017, five years ago, but who cares?

The point is he's lying and he knows it and he's trash.

On the same day Fox News hires a transgender senior citizen, no less. Did Caitlyn have any comment, Tucker?

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