Ben Shapiro Lets The Cat Out Of The Bag
They are coming for gay marriage next.
Ben Shapiro gave the game away Wednesday when he attacked the Obergefell decision by the Supreme Court after claiming Alito's Roe v. Wade decision would not have an impact on overturning gay marriage.
During Shapiro's rant on The Daily Wire, he attacked Democrats and anyone in the media that was shocked by the overturning of Roe and what it would mean to other cases in the future.
"What will they do next?" Shapiro mocked. "They might go back and overrule Loving v Virginia and allow states to ban interracial marriage."
"Oh, really? That wasn't even based on the right to privacy, you idiots," he said.
Shapiro mocked fears of overturning interracial marriage.
"Well they might overturn Obergefell," Shapiro said sarcastically.
He continued, "First of all, Obergefell is a bad Supreme Court decision and if we had a Supreme Court worth its salt, they would overturn Obergefell, but they're not going to."
There you go. Since MAGA-Reptilians hate this ruling, it's only a matter of time before the Supremes take it up.
How does Ben know they won't attack gay marriage, you ask? Because Alito said so. Does that make you feel better?
"Alito explicitly says, I think three separate times in that decision that I read in nearly its totality on the air yesterday, that this has no impact on other cases of different lines which is a clear reference to Obergefell, repeatedly," he continued.
Alito lied under oath during his confirmation hearing so why would anyone believe a word he says?
Shapiro claimed that abortion is a losing issue for Democrats, even though 70% of Americans approve of Roe v. Wade. Even in the latest Fox News poll, 63% of those polled do not want to see Roe overturned. But being truthful is not the conservative way, right Ben?
Shapiro again made believe the Alito opinion will do nothing else.
"The same Supreme Court, who Neil Gorsuch idiotically ruled that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 covers transgender people is now going to overrule Obergefell," he cried.
Of course Gorsuch will.
You know Alito will.
Adam Serwer has a must-read on this: Alito’s Plan to Repeal the 20th Century
Similarly, in his opinion, Alito writes that “we emphasize that our decision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right,” and that “nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.” Give this statement the same weight that should have been given to Alito’s scolding of the press shortly after the Court’s shadow-docket decision on the Texas abortion ban, and his insistence that it had no bearing on Roe and did not nullify the right to an abortion in Texas. Alito’s word means absolutely nothing.
Conservatives are trying to make the rest of the country fools in their deceit.
Unfortunately for them, millions of Americans aren't susceptible to the brainwashing that has occurred in MAGA and Fox News.