D'Souza's New Film Busted: Data Did NOT 'Solve A Murder'

'2000 Mules' got caught in a lie, which is not surprising considering Dinesh is a proven liar.

NPR has busted the film 2000 Mules and True The Vote for claiming they "solved a murder of an eight year-old girl" using their so-called "data process."

D'Souza and the "True The Vote" organization claim they and only they have the smoking gun evidence (cell phone pings) that prove the 2020 election was stolen away from Trump. Of course, Traitor Trump loved the so-called "film."

Even Trump's official spokesliars spokesperson, Liz Harrington, claimed the group "solved a murder of a young little girl in Atlanta. I mean, they are heroes."

Much to the chagrin of the "filmmakers," and with not much digging, NPR said: That claim is false.

Here's the skinny:

Authorities in Georgia arrested and secured indictments against two suspects in the murder of Secoriea Turner in August 2021.

In response to NPR's inquiries, True The Vote acknowledged it had contacted law enforcement more than two months later, meaning it played no role in those arrests or indictments.

Anyone with a brain understands that whatever new conspiracy theory being reported by D'Souza for the 2020 election was not going to pass the smell test.

Here's another indication of their bad behavior: "Dinesh D'Souza did not respond to NPR's requests for comment."

I've heard Dinesh, and others supporting the film, attack all fact-checkers as just opinion writers.

And when competent fact-checkers reviewed the film, well.

Fact-checkers from the Associated Press and PolitiFact have examined the central voter fraud allegations in "2,000 Mules" and found that the film makes many dubious claims. A Washington Post analysis summarized the film's allegations as a leap of faith - "we're just asked to trust that True the Vote found what it says it found." True The Vote and D'Souza have disputed those fact-checks.

And since even Fox and Newsmax won't mention the movie for fear of triggering a legitimate lawsuit, Dinesh is left without a revenue stream from credulous chumps watching those channels.

Dinesh is using his podcast to whine about it. Below, Hal Sparks plays Dinesh repeating the slightly pornographic "2000 Mules coming soon" line for laughs.

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