Fox News Lies, Says Biden Gave Putin Money To Invade Ukraine

The absurdity of Charles Hurt astounds.

Fox News contributor Charles Hurt ranted like a clown that it's Biden's fault Russia invaded Ukraine because he purposely jacked up the gas prices which is somehow funded Putin's invasion.

This is next level lunacy.

Earlier today on Fox News' The Faulkner Focus, host Harris Faulkner was fired up and did a long segment on rising prices in America.

After a reporter gave Harris a dire report, Faulkner used a New York Post front page to bash the sitting U.S. president.

It's as if a worldwide pandemic that has killed over a million Americans never happened.

Charles Hurt, who is also the Washington Times opinion editor was up first and he went where no cultist went before.

Hurt made sure to claim he hates Putin before adding,"Heap all the scorn we can heap on Vladimir Putin."

"But the idea that Joe Biden is sitting there and blamed Vladimir Putin for the price of gasoline today is so absurd," Hurt said.

Really, Hurt said that. Russia's invasion has no bearing on energy prices as most of the world refuses to buy from Russia.

Hurt continued,"The reason the gas prices are where they are is because of the decisions Joe Biden made when he came into office."

Now comes the insanity and pro-Putin propaganda.

"And the reason that Vladimir Putin had the money to invade Ukraine in the first place is because Joe Biden jacked up the gas prices," Hurt claimed.

WTF? Who knew President Biden had the authority to regulate gas and oil prices all by his lonesome?

Hurt continued, "And for him to sit here and spend all this time blaming Vladimir Putin for his mistake - it's appalling."

I thought it was NATO's fault by enticing Ukraine to join that forced Putin to take action?

It's as if the entire world never shut down production trying to quell infections and deaths from Covid19 in 2020.

It's as if a barrel of oil wasn't worthless during the pandemic.
It's as if energy companies aren't price gouging their customers while CEOs make record profits once again.
It's as if there were no COVID supply chain problems caused by world wide shut downs.

Nope. It's Joe Biden's fault because they say so.

Maybe Charles Hurt will take Trump up on his suggestion and drink some bleach/Ivermectin cocktail if he gets COVID.

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