Jim Jordan Incites Protests Outside Sotomayor's Home

Actually, Gym, we can imagine what it looks like when your pals protest. Actual violence.

Republican Snowflakes are very concerned and upset that people who value freedom and privacy and half the population are expressing displeasure that SCOTUS is poised to end said freedom and privacy for said half the population by overturning Roe vs. Wade. Uterus-owners (past and present) and those who love them take issue with being told they might be charged with murder should a certain type of clump of cells that takes up residence inside their body be evicted via abortion, miscarriage, or stillbirth. Yet as with every marginalized and oppressed population, we are told yes, we may protest, but no, not THAT way.

Regardless, protests have been popping up outside the homes of the Supreme Court justices planning to vote in favor of relegating us potentially pregnant people to incubator status, and some of the Senators foolish enough to confirm them. This just won't DO! Pleading messages written in chalk on the sidewalk? Terrifying!

Gym Jordan to the rescue. Or incitement. You pick.

Well, maybe, Ohio Enabler, protests are not happening outside Justice Sotomayor's house because she is on the side of trusting us to made decisions about abortion with our doctors. But should racist, sexist Republicans protest outside her home for having the gall to trust women as if it were not the mid-thirteenth century, the media would likely follow the lead of typical New York Times coverage. Track them down in a diner, gently ask them why they're so upset, and paint their grievances in the most sympathetic light possible.

Twitter, though, had a lot to say about Jordan's obviously incendiary message.

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