Fox News Host Absolves Buffalo Shooter, Blames Youth And Mental Illness
Jon Scott wonders if maybe the white supremacist murderer's brain wasn't fully formed, or maybe he had mental illness when he dressed in tactical gear, drove hours to Buffalo, and pointed his gun at anyone in his path, shooting 13 and killing 10.
Buffalo, NY's City Council president, Darius Pridgen spoke to Fox News' Jon Scott about the horrific hate crime that took the lives of ten people this afternoon. He tried to gaslight Pridgen into letting this murdering white supremacist 18-year-old man off the hook with talk of "youth" and "forgiveness." Let me tell you, Scott had no idea who he was dealing with.
Pridgen told him, "I was glad to hear the DA say he was about to be arraigned. He needs to be arraigned. And after we come to grips with what we are dealing with, then we can talk about forgiveness. Right now, we need to talk about justice."
Why, before the bodies are even cold, are people on Fox News trying to even broach the topic of forgiveness with Buffalo's city council president? How dare Jon Scott even GO there? You know why. These white supremacists at Fox are terrified of Black people achieving equality and equity, so imagine how pants-sh*ttingly panicked they are at the possibility that Black folks might want justice, or god forbid, vengeance for the ten lives this man just snuffed out?
So to try to absolve this monster they've created and set loose in the world of any consequence, Scott tried the next tactic wingers always like to use when there's a mass shooting.
"What about mental illness? You know, the brains of 18-year-old males, especially, are not fully formed. Is there a possibility that there was some kind of mental illness that triggered this?"
Wait just a minute. At 17, Kyle Rittenhouse's brain was fully formed enough to be hailed as a MAGA HERO everywhere on Fox when he had his MOMMY drive him across state lines where a cousin had bought him a gun he wasn't legally allowed to buy himself, and when he killed two people protesting the murder of George Floyd by a white supremacist police officer. No one tried to call HIM mentally ill, or made excuses for his youth...they shoved him in our faces as a goddamned vigilante savior!
And while we know in right-wing media world, facts don't matter, here they do, and the fact is, people with mental illness are ten times more likely to be the victim of a violent crime, rather than the perpetrator. Yet go on, Jon Scott, try to wash your hands of the white supremacist monsters you help churn out by blaming their actions on mental illness.
Mr. Pridgen wasn't buying this load of absolute horsesh*t, either, and he laid down this devastating sermon in response to Scott's insulting, gaslighting line of questions:
"Well, here's the crazy part. Tomorrow, I'm preaching about mental illness and murder, with Cain and Abel. But although his brain may not have been fully formed, and at 18, his brain was fully formed enough to pick up a weapon and drive to Buffalo, his brain was fully formed enough to put his finger on a trigger, his brain was fully formed enough to point at people, at women, at anybody who was in his path. His brain was fully formed. and if it hadn't been fully formed, hopefully it will be fully formed by the time he gets out of jail, IF he gets out of jail. Because at the end of the day, 18 is fully formed enough to know better."