Kudlow: Trump's 2020 Campaign Was Only About Grievances

The Fox Business host is the latest MAGA lover to dump on Trump's grievance-filled campaign.

Trumps economic advisor and FOX Business personality Larry Kudlow is the latest Trump sycophant to criticize how Trump ran his losing 2020 campaign.

Kudlow discussed Kellyanne Conway's book and said she ran 2016 on issues.

"Kellyanne did not run the 2020 campaign," he said.

"The 2020 campaign was mostly NOT about issues, and that's my criticism."

"It's got to be about issues, not grievances," Kudlow remarked.

Joe Concha agreed and said Trump should drop the voter fraud conspiracies of 2020: "[Trump] can't keep hitting rewind." (Oh really?)

Concha said Trump won't listen though.

Kudlow said, "In 2020, you barely heard it. I mean, I was in the government at that point. We were talking about it with him in the Oval all the time and it didn’t translate on the rallies outside. It was always about grievances."

This statement will really piss off the 'rug wearing thunder nugget.'

Kudlow said, "Kellyanne said, he didn’t do a fabulous job explaining Covid to suburban ladies who may have walked away on that point.”

Doth he protest too much?

How the wicked forget. It was Kudlow who said in March of 2020 that COVID was pretty much contained.

Trump is gonna say he did a fabulous job explaining COVID, and even offered up unapproved FDA remedies like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, bleach, and UV lights to cure the disease.

Larry, get ready for a nasty "Truth" post coming your way from the "wee orange rodent."

(You gotta love the Scottish for their capacity to insult.)

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