Michael Flynn Whines About Support For ‘Fascist’ Ukraine

The national security adviser to Donald Trump sounds like a Kremlin spokesman.

Speaking on Roger Stone’s “The Stone Zone” on Lindell TV, Flynn exhorted viewers not to pay attention to the mainstream media. Apparently, they’re just too pro-Ukraine. Or, to put it another way, not pro-Russia enough.

Flynn claimed he watched mainstream TV the night before just to “gauge how much they’re lying” according to “what I sense as the truth of what’s going on.”

Then he told us that the truth is, “we’re behind a fascist, from a western perspective.”

Really? Then how come almost everyone in the west is siding with Ukraine?

Flynn even acknowledged that. He added, “You know NATO, let's say Europe, European Union, United States of America, we're behind a fascist, corrupt country and instead of pouring money into Ukraine to support this, this, you know, frankly an ungodly war that is going on.”

What he really means, obviously, is that the “western perspective” should look a lot more like the Russian perspective.

Let’s not forget that Flynn kicked off the Trump administration by betraying the U.S. to Russia. He closed it with the receipt of a sketchy pardon that suggested a Trump coverup.

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