Michelle Bachmann Has No Idea What A 'Coup' Is

Bachmann claimed the real coup started a year before the 2020 election against traitor Trump.

On Real America's voice, Michelle Bachmann the former representative from Minnesota's 6th claimed that Biden winning elections by the Democratic process is the same as a violent coup and overthrow of the government.

Before we had the MAGA cultists running around, Bachmann was one of the biggest crackpots in the GOP for every year she was in Congress.

Bachmann now is working for Pat Robertson's Regent University, so that makes sense.

On Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic, Bachmann whined that a "coup" against Trump started in 2019.

"There is a revolutionary mindset among the progressive left," she told viewers.

"It wasn't an election, it was a coup," she remarked. "It's an illegal overthrowing of the government."

(The meaning of the word coup from Oxford: a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government."he was overthrown in an army coup")

In Bachmann's mind, "coup" means how the election was stolen from Traitor Trump by the Democratic party and Big Tech.

And not the insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6, or Trump's attempt to overthrow the government using the attack on the Capitol to do so with aid from his cabinet, staffers, activists, and members of the GOP.

Bannon mentioned "mail-in ballots."

Wow, did hand grenades come with every ballot?

Bannon joked that Biden won with 81 million votes.

Michele then used her appearance to shill for her "election integrity" seminar at Regent where they explain how the 2020 election was stolen.

"We put evidence out in March of 2021, that this was a stolen election," she said.

Where's Mike Lindell when you need him?

Bachmann claimed Soros supposedly paid off all the Republican local officials to switch votes for Biden in every state. This is deep, deep, QAnon stuff. Actually, it's out-and-out blatant anti-Semitism.

"The thing that's been set, is to see how they have taken a coup, really of the country. All of our institutions. The public institutions, our schools a cultural institution. Major league baseball sports, there's a coup going on," she mewled.

Bannon interjected that the institutional churches are also involved, including the Protestants and Catholics.

"We are watching a coup," Bachmann insisted.

"It is a coup that is now the revolution and the revolution is front and center for anyone to see."

She continued, "It's a Marxist revolution going on in our country and the thing is it will succeed unless we push back."

Pat Robertson was on the inside of the coup attempt by Trump and his allies from the very beginning. it's no surprise that he gave Bachmann a plum job at his college school.

This is just more of the same lies and fear mongering to keep the ignorant and grievance-addicted engaged. It's a cynical, stupid, and dangerous strategy.

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