Mike's Blog Round-Up
Links To Liberal Blogs (& Substacks)
Same Murders, Different Day Edition.
Mental illness? Sure, these United Snakes lead in that, as Yastreblyansky makes clear. Add barely regulated weapons & you get a volatile mixture.
Tweet round-up from Hackwhackers.
Big question about "the system", asked by Alex Pareene.
Dispatches From A Collapsing State:
This is Going to Get Really Ugly, Really Soon
Tucker Carlson and the Right have created imaginary rivals in order to legitimize their anti-democratic actions
Bonus attacks on Sen. Theodore F. McSmarmy, rounded-up by Jack Cluth.
This mess by M. Bouffant. Submissions (For this feature only, scammers & advertisers!!) may be sent to mbru@crooksandliars.com.