Naomi Wolf Unhinged: One World Government Waging Secret War

Who knew a WAR OVER COVID state of emergency is upon us! Grab your guns and learn "marksmanship"!

"War is being waged upon us," says COVID conspiracy theorist Naomi Wolf.

Wolf spread this lunacy on traitor Steve Bannon's podcast. The theory is that because of COVID, US health officials, and the World Health Organization will take away America's sovereignty along with over 190 other nations.

"They can claim a crisis any time they want," she worried. "They've already got in place the elements of war, of an occupation. We are at war. It is a super sneaky war but they are putting all the elements in place to suddenly pull the trigger and there are armed men outside your door!!!"

"And they don't answer to our Commander in Chief!!!" she exclaimed. "This is a time of extraordinary danger." Learn where your food is coming from. Find out who your neighbors are. Protect your house."

She then confessed she is "learning marksmanship" to protect her abode from...World Health Organization shock troops. Alrighty then!

How can a war ever be sneaky? Go undetected?

This insanity is coming from James Roguski, and transmitted by lunatics like Stew Peters.

Peters, "[Roguski] believes the World Health Organization is planning to create permanent COVID state of emergency as a mechanism for overthrowing the sovereignty of the world's nations and ushering in a Single World government."

I didn't look through in great detail, but usually, the Rothchilds (yes, those of Jewish space laser fame) and the Postmaster General of the World (England) something-something Bill Gates are at the forefront of all One World government conspiracies. Now it's being mainlined into MAGA.

Aren't they crazy enough already?

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