Chris Murphy Takes On Fox's MAGA Hate Towards LGBTQ Kids

Bret Baier perpetuates the MAGA lie that teachers are trying to indoctrinate kindergarteners about sexuality, but Sen. Murphy shuts him down.

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) told Fox News Sunday that Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill was meant not to stop teaching children about sexual identity, but to target and demoralize the LGBTQ community.

Host Bret Baier asked if President Joe Biden made a mistake by painting the MAGA crowd as too extreme. "This has echoes of categorizing a whole bunch of people in a certain way," Baier said.

Murphy replied, "I am very concerned about the very quick, hateful, divisive turn that the Republican party has taken. The effort in Florida to target gay kids in schools. I just think it's mean-spirited."

It is also a political tactic to smear every Democratic politician and public school educator as an enabler and proponent of child pornography.

The Fox News host took the Republican line, claiming the bill wasn't targeting gay kids, just stopping them being taught about sexual identity.

Murphy replied, "You don't think they take a message from a ban on a discussion of their identity? Suggests that they are not worthy of existence in that school."

Baier channeled the support of the legislation as if he was Ron DeSantis himself. "Senator, you talk to your kindergartner about sexual identity?" Baier asked.

(That's the smokescreen MAGA uses to mask their homophobic agenda, since young children are not being taught about sexual identity. Just like they aren't being taught Critical Race Theory.)

Murphy reminded Baier that half of all trans kids turn to suicide as an option to the torment they face. "And that's because of the effort to bully them for their identity by adults in this country.”

Murphy insisted, holding his ground, "I do think their is a message being sent to these kids..."

Baier made a weird analogy about schools not teaching the birds about the bees, but he didn't use the homophobic "Adam and Steve" quip punch-down so popular with right-wing evangelicals.

Do people really think any teachers are instructing kindergarten kids about sexual identity? It was a ruse created by Republican operatives (Chris Rufo) to attack Democrats as pro-pedophilia.

It also serves the larger purpose in their homophobic agenda, which is to terrify young adults coming to grips with their sexual identity, and the entire LGBTQ+ community.

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