Why Did 192 Republicans Vote Against The Baby Formula Bill, You Ask?
Fox News supplies the defense for the indefensible.
A bill passed the House of Representatives this week to ease and aid the baby formula shortage by sending more funds to the FDA.
You would think this would be one vote that there would be practically a unanimous appeal for both parties, but you would be mistaken.
One hundred and ninety-two Republicans voted against providing only $28 million in extra funds all the while bashing the Biden administration for not doing anything to relieve the stress.
Cut to; Fox News hosts are always Johnny on the spot to defend the corrupt Republican Party, no matter what they do
On The Five, Jessica Tarlov was shocked that Republicans refused to join Democrats in passing the bill.
Tarlov said, "You gotta wonder, the last two weeks it's been all about Biden was late to the game...Abbott is certainly to blame for this."
But Why did one hundred and ninety-two Republicans vote against the formula bill, yesterday?" Tarlov asked.
Perino jumped in, "There's a good reason .."
"Well, there aren't. No, actually..." Tarlov said.
Tarlov turned to face Dana Perino and asked, "You would have voted against that bill?"
"Adding twenty-eight million dollars to a thing they didn't even need the money for..." Perino said.
Suddenly 28 million dollars to feed babies was too much for Dana.
For weeks on end, Fox News viewers have been tuning in to screaming fits on every program. 'Joe Biden is starving our babies and he should be doing something, anything,' they shouted.
Now when a bill comes along that may help the situation, it's a no go?
These people are creeps.