Alex Jones Claims Wearing A Mask Is Like A Nazi Swastika

Alex Jones and Roger Stone used the Jews being exterminated by Hitler to compare a mask mandate to Nazism.

On Infowars, crackpot Alex Jones and Roger Stone were furious the Biden administration is trying to get the federal appeals court to override Trump's judge and reinstate the mask mandate for airline travel.

Jones said, "Isn't the mask the symbol of their totalitarianism, like the Swastika armband was under the Nazis?"

This is insulting and crazy.

Roger Stone, pretending he's a medical professional instead of a ratf**ker replied, " The mask has no medicinal or scientific medicinal value whatsoever."

"It doesn't protect you from anything. It's a control device. Like making Jews where the Yellow Star of David before the Holocaust," Stone agreed. "It is repugnant. I have never talked to a single qualified doctor who believes [masks] have any medical value."
Who did Stone consult with, Ronny Jackson:?

These people are simply not human.

The only thing repugnant is their behavior. Masks have protected and saved lives throughout the pandemic and any credible medical professional will tell you so.
But equating wearing a mask on an airplane to being forced into labor, beaten, starved, tortured, and gassed in interment camps is beyond the pale.

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