Ann Coulter Trashes Dinesh D'Souza

Right-wing catfight alert!

Ann Coulter Trashes Dinesh D'Souza

In her latest Substack screed, Ann Coulter took a sledgehammer to the many MAGA grifters from TrumpWorld, including Dinesh D'Souza.

She writes: "Dinesh's Stupid Movie, And the grift goes on"

After bashing Steve Bannon's Build the Wall swindle and Guilfoyle's 60K payoff, she writes, "Is there anyone in Trump World who isn't trying fleece the Deplorables?"

The answer is a definitive no.

Obviously I don't agree with all of Coulter's assertions in her piece, but she doesn't hold back against the many grifters that populate MAGA.

Including Dinesh D'Grifter.

- In all five battleground states D'Souza considers, it is perfectly legal for third parties to drop off ballots for others, with varying degrees of lenience. Pennsylvania, for example, allows a grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, in-law, household member, caregiver or jailer to drop off someone else's ballot.

-- Even if every cellphone dot represented a left-wing organizer illegally dropping off another person's ballot, that still wouldn't make the ballot invalid.

A legal ballot can be illegally delivered, although the guy who delivered it might be in trouble.

These flaws have already been well aired elsewhere.

She goes into greater detail about the idiocy of this picture fraud which has been fact checked to death already.

Can't wait for D'Souza to whine about Annie.

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