Fox Claims Hillary Invalidated Elections As Much As Trump

Fox and Friends play "I know you are but what am I" nonsense.

This month, yes, June of 2022, Fox and Friends tries to spin Trump's incitement of an insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6.

"What about Hillary?" is the best they've got.

The morning propagandists stooped low this morning, to claim both Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams did just as much to delegitimatize their election losses as Donald J. Trump.

I kid you not.

Today's segment began with Fox News screaming about Democratic outrage at the Supreme Court for overturning Roe v Wade, and the many members in Congress, including Senators Susan Collins and Joe Manchin, who felt they were lied to by Kavanaugh and others.

Kilmeade immediately started lying, blaming Harry Reid for getting rid of the 60-vote threshold for Supreme Court nominations, but that's false.

It was Sen. Mitch McConnell who ended the filibuster of Supreme Court nominees when Gorsuch was nominated by Trump in April, 2017.

The Republican-controlled Senate voted 52-48 to reduce the vote threshold for confirming nominees to the Supreme Court from 60 to 51, per The New York Times.

And then Kilmeade tried to make up for his traitorous comments that Trump acted unhinged after he lost in 2020.

The Fox News host whined about "the Left" delegitimizing other institutions.

Kilmeade said, "If you think January 6th is bad. If you think Donald Trump delegitimized the voting process, then you’ve got to feel the same way when you talk about Hillary Clinton coming out and not accepting and Stacey Abrams not accepting institutions like the result of an election, and the same thing here."

Say what? Kilmeade actually said, "If you think January 6th is bad."

No thinking necessary, it was the worst attack on our Capitol in history, orchestrated to help push through a political coup by Trump.

"You don’t like a decision by the Supreme Court, go protest. But to say it’s illegitimate, it’s not American, is inaccurate and destructive," he said.

And by the way, the entire religious Right that now controls the GOP has been attacking Supreme Court justices since 1973. They have been called "judicial activists" ad infinitum.

Americans and Democratic lawmakers are protesting, Brian, you fatuous twit.

Many Americans felt lied to by the conservative Supreme Court justices, who under oath made clear that Roe V Wade was settled law for decades, supported by precedents. Yet, in a blink of an eye they undid 49 years of a woman's right to dictate her own body.

And Hillary and Stacy both brought up issues they had about their elections during some interviews, but they never cried like a spoiled brat, never incited an attack on the US Capitol and led an assault on US Democracy from within the halls of Congress.

Fox News and all the other right-wing media outlets continually go out of their way to downplay Trump's (in this writer's mind criminal) horrific behavior as much as possible. Then they take a single episode to smear all Democrats and tell their cultists, it's "both sides."

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