Herschel Walker Exposed For Having A Secret Child

This perpetual liar is also a perpetual hypocrite? Color us not shocked.

Herschel Walker, the Republican nominee for the Senate in Georgia, has repeatedly attacked Black communities over "fatherless households," but as usual, his criticisms don't count against himself.

The Daily Beast uncovered Walker's hypocrisy and secrets in an explosive report. "Herschel Walker Says He’s a Model Dad. He Has a Secret Son."

The month before, Walker—who co-parented his 22-year-old son, Christian with both his ex-wife and current wife—told right-wing internet personalities Diamond and Silk that if you have “a child with a woman, even if you have to leave that woman… you don’t leave the child.”

What Walker hasn’t publicly acknowledged is that he has a second son, from whom he has been estranged since his birth a decade ago.

Walker was sued for paternity, and it took more than a year to determine court-ordered child support, which was finalized in August of 2014. The two-year-old took Walker's last name.

And let's not forget about Walker's alleged history of domestic violence, including threatening a former partner with a gun.

It's sad that a man of Senator Warnock's character has to run against a clown like this.

Walker speaks about the "fatherless homes is a major problem" in Black communities at the 27 min mark.

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