Marist Poll: Americans Swing To Democratic Party 48 To 41 After Roe Decision

In a new poll just released, 48% of Americans said they will vote for Democrats, as opposed to 41% for Republicans.

In a new poll just released, 48% of Americans said they will vote for Democrats, as opposed to 41% for Republicans.

The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v Wade on Friday is having a strong negative impact on Republican poll numbers. Americans are now saying they will definitely vote now with a 24% gain for Democrats over Republicans.

According to the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll we are seeing a big swing in voter preferences.

Democrats have regained the favor of voters to control Congress, with 48% saying they are more likely to vote for a Democratic candidate in the fall and 41% more likely to vote for a Republican. In April, Republicans led on that question in the poll 47% to 44%, which was within the margin of error.

And voters choose Roe v Wade by a 56-40 margin.

NPR writes
, "Surveys have for years shown consistently that most Americans wanted to keep Roe in place and to see restrictions on when abortions could take place. What the court did is clearly outside the mainstream of public opinion, and that is reflected again in the NPR poll."

Americans by 56%-to-41% are also upset that the overturning of Roe will have ramifications on contraception, same-sex marriage, and interracial marriage.

Although I doubt the court will invalidate Clarence Thomas' insurrection bride and their marriage.

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