Multimillionaire Sarah Palin Claims She's Just A Working Class 'Peon'

Palin, running for Congress, pretends being worth 8 million dollars puts her in with the average American working class.

Fox News just has to promote Republican house candidates every day, even if they're Sarah Palin.

Palin told Fox News' Jesse Watters that Hollywood celebrities want to beat down average working-class Americans and "peons" like herself, just for power.

Huh? Estimates put Palin's worth at around eight million dollars. She made millions off of one real estate deal.

Watters began his program with a minutes-long rant against Hollywood celebrities who won't take ownership of all the problems a worldwide pandemic caused.

"Do they want to make life easier for the average person or not?" Watters asked.

Palin responded with her usual word salad nonsense.

"Absolutely not, they want to wipe out the middle class. The mom-and-pop, Joe six-pack, us peons," Palin said.

In 2019, Sarah and Todd sold this half-built house and the property for $6.2 million, raking in a profit of $5.263 million over five years.

It's the middle class which is the biggest demographic in the United States. The money middle-class people spend on entertainment funds 100% of Hollywood.

Palin continued, "They want to wipe us out in terms of influence so that they can have more power. That's what this is all about," she said.

Palin has common-sense solutions on how to lower gas prices.

Drill at home more for oil. Yeah. Idiotic.

Ignoring Russia's invasion of Ukraine is essential to her vapid talking points about gas prices.

If Palin wanted, she could get another reality show by snapping her fingers, but she just doesn't need the money. Apparently, she wants political power. Alaska is likely to take a chance on her again.

What are the odds Quitty McQuitter will be a less than one-term Congresswoman because "the pay is so low"?

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