Navarro: You Have No Damn Right To Tell Women What They Should Do With Their Body
In response to a Republican operative questioning her Catholic faith over supporting abortion, Ana Navarro blasted Alice Stewart as having no right to to decide how any woman leads her life.
In response to a Republican operative questioning her Catholic faith over supporting abortion, Ana Navarro blasted Alice Stewart as having no right to to decide how any woman leads her life.
During CNN's coverage of the fallout of the wingnut conservative Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade, Navarro wondered how states that ban abortion will provide care and resources for forcing women to go to term.
Stewart, who was losing her argument against Ana Navarro, decided to get very personal.
"I don't understand how you can say on one hand you support life, yet you're fine with a woman's decision to choose abortion," Stewart challenged.
Stewart is either lying or has become part of the GOP Borg, hive mind. The religious right has merged with the GOP so thoroughly that they refuse to comprehend a differing opinion when they bring religion into the pro-choice discussion.
Navarro then proceeded to rip her to shreds.
"I am not anybody who tells you what you need to do with your life or with your uterus," Navarro said.
The CNN contributor went on to explain how her family has had to deal with many special needs issues and all the problems and hard decisions that follow.
Then Navarro lowered the boom.
"So, why can I be Catholic and still think this is a wrong decision? Because I'm American. I'm Catholic inside the church," she explained. "I'm Catholic when it comes to me, but there's a lot of Americans who are not Catholic, and are not Christian, and are not Baptist, and you have no damn right to tell them what they should do with their body."
"Nobody does!"
This is America, with over 330,000,000 people. Millions upon millions of people do not subscribe to the same beliefs as Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito.
Who are they to dictate what a woman does with her body?