Rudy Giuliani Makes The Case For A Federal Ban On Assault Weapons

To say Rudy isn't the brightest bulb in the room is an insult to light bulbs everywhere.

On Real America's Voice, former Mayor of New York City and election fraud propagandist unwittingly made the case to reinstate the federal ban on assault weapons when he said that he didn't remember any mass shootings during his time in office.

The reason for this is not because there weren't any, but because there were many, many fewer. Why? Because the federal ban on assault weapons that was authored by Sen. Diane Feinstein went into effect in 1994, the same year Giuliani was elected, until 2004, well past his tenure.

Giuliani said this, referencing mass shootings: "It all could all be done, it's not magic."

Giuliani is correct, and if the U.S. passed a new ban on assault weapons and high powered magazines. the carnage would be reduced 100-fold.

"It's not science, I did it," he bragged.

I agree! Pass a new ban on assault weapons NOW!

"We didn't have mental people --- Do you remember a mass murderer when I was mayor? I don't! If it happened, I don't remember it; it couldn't have been too bad."

Of course there were mentally challenged people while he was mayor. They just couldn't walk into a store and buy an AR-15 on their 18th birthday.

He cawed, "I don't remember a mass murder, I don't remember a riot."

Rudy has a very bad memory or chose to forget these acts of violence that refute his point, otherwise known as Republican Amnesia. Just imagine if the murderers below had AR-15s.

If these murderers had today's easy access to assault weapons, things would have been very different during Rudy's time as mayor.

Columbine happened in 1999, and the trajectory of every schoolkid's life changed drastically in America.

As for mass murders during his tenure, our friend Dave Edwards points out, aren't we supposed to "never forget" what happened on September 11, 2001?

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