Desperate Trey Gowdy: FBI, Not Durham, Lost Sussmann Case
The excuses come hot and heavy from the former Bengaaaazi failure.
On Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy, the former Congressman (and failed Benghazi witch hunter) proclaimed that John Durham didn't lose after a "not guilty" verdict came down for Michael Sussman.
On the contrary, it was the FBI that lost!
On Fox News, hosts and guests howled that the jury was made up of Clinton plants, people that hated Trump, and whatnot. The usual claptrap.
Trey Gowdy, who was branded a massive failure after Hillary Clinton destroyed his Benghazi Committee during an eleven-hour hearing trying to frame her, said it's too hard for "prosecutions to win cases."
Too hard? He should know. Call the waambulance!
Gowdy said, "There's a difference between being victimized and duped. The FBI was duped, wittingly or unwittingly. They took a meeting they should never have taken, and they got played. And that's the FBI's fault."
How does interviewing a person make the FBI a dupe?
"So yes, somebody lost the trial this week. But it wasn't John Durham. It was the FBI," Gowdy lied.
But in MAGA-land, Trump never loses. If he does, it must be a conspiracy against him.
But here's the deal, Trey: it wasn't the FBI that prosecuted the case, it was Durham. It was Durham who needed a scalp as soon as possible to appease the MAGA cult. It was Durham who prosecuted a man with one count of lying to the FBI. It was Durham who acted against the advice of every credible legal analyst.