Trump-Endorsed Candidate Blames 'Black People' For Gun Violence

No wonder Trump is backing Arizona's Blake Masters.

Heartland Signal is part of the WCPT820 family in the Midwest. This week they uncovered a very damning interview from Trump's latest endorsement, Blake Masters.

Masters is running for State Senator in Arizona, and in April told the Jeff Oravits Show that the US does indeed have a gun violence problem, but it's not AR-15 massacres at elementary schools and in supermarkets that are the problem.

“It’s gangs, it’s people in Chicago, in St. Louis, shooting each other. Very often, you know, Black people, frankly. And the Democrats don’t want to do anything about that,” he adds.

Wow. Just wow. Was Sandy Hook in Chicago? Is Uvalde in St. Louis? Like a good hooded racist, it's always a person of color that is the only problem in this country.

Republicans refuse to do anything significant on any type of common-sense gun control measure. This allows teenagers who just turned eighteen to walk into a gun shop, buy an AR-15 and drive over to a school and begin another slaughter.

Blake Masters has been heavily supported by Peter Thiel to the tune of over 13 million dollars.

This explains why Trump somehow found the time to call him a a “great modern-day thinker.”

And why Tucker Carlson has called him “the future of the Republican Party.”

White supremacists always stick together.

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