UFC Fighter Describes Abuse He Took For Wearing Pride Gear

A new hero is born!

Homophobia apparently runs high for UFC fans on social media.

UFC's Jeff Molina gets major props for bashing the haters after he won a split decision fight in Las Vegas.

MMA Fighting gave us the lowdown.

Molina picked up a split-call over Zhalgas Zhumagulov in a flyweight preliminary bout of UFC Vegas 56. “El Jefe” chose the option to customize his fight kit to help raise money for the LGBTQIA+ Center of Southern Nevada with 100 percent of the profits from sales of the UFC’s Pride Month t-shirt going to the non-profit organization.

That was too much for the haters. I imagine most of them are rabid Trump supporters since UFC President Dana White has proclaimed his love for Trump over and over again.

"Dude, it's f**king ridiculous, " Molina said at a press conference.

"Who would have thunk it in 2022 --- who the f**k cares?"

“It’s not even about being an ally — I’m not saying I’m not — but it’s just like, just be a decent f****** person. Just be a decent human being. Like judging someone, and then trying to justify it with religion, and saying all sorts of like spiteful, hateful s*** is crazy to me. It’s crazy to me. It's mind-boggling.

“Who cares who someone wants to be with, their sexual preference, and then the irony of trying to justify it with a religion of something that’s supposed to be so accepting -- I was honestly shocked.”

“I’ll support anything of a community that’s been oppressed and ostracized for some time for something they can’t help. I’ll get behind any of that. It wasn’t that long ago that there was school segregation, and that was like less than a person ago, something like Stonewall, that was like 50 years ago. That’s not even a whole person ago, man – this is recent s***.

“I just thought in 2022 people would be a little more open-minded and not pieces of s***, but I guess I was wrong. It’s just crazy to me. People were saying some crazy s*** and like, dude, what would you do if your kid’s gay? Mind your own business, it doesn’t concern you. Get f*****.”

Right on, Jose.

He just got a wake-up call of the hatred that is rampant throughout MAGA-land.

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