Clarence Thomas Uses Phony Fetus Cells In Dissent

Why the hell is this corrupt walking conflict of interest still sitting on the High Court?

The Supreme Court just declined to hear a case 5-4, from sixteen NY healthcare workers who balked at taking the COVID 19 vaccine, citing religious objections to New York's Covid vaccine mandate.

There are no religious grounds to refuse any COVID (or any other life-saving) vaccine. But the anti-VAX QAnon crowd led by Project Veritas came up with another bogus conspiracy theory that said vaccines were made using aborted babies' cells.

As the AP reports, "But the video  — an interview between Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe and a self-identified Pfizer employee who claims to show internal emails from the company  — does not support that erroneous conclusion."

But in writing a dissenting opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas used this completely discredited conspiracy when arguing against the NY COVID mandate.

“They object on religious grounds to all available COVID–19 vaccines because they were developed using cell lines derived from aborted children,” Thomas said of the petitioners.

These cretins have been using this lie over and over and over again. QAnon is what it is, but it should never be transmitted in any form from a Supreme Court justice. Their complaint is wildly untethered from reality and just plain wrong.

For a Supreme to even mention this lie during an interview with these psychotic bottom dwellers is egregious.

Thomas continues to act like a MAGA right-wing troll.

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