Herschel Walker's Idea Of A Debate 'About The Fans' Makes No Sense

Walker even confused Brian Kilmeade with his utterly unintelligible answers.

Earlier today on Fox News, Herschel Walker's response about debating Sen. Warner in Georgia, the Trump hand picked nominee even confused Fox News' Brian Kilmeade.

Walker refused to debate in the Republican primaries and so far has refused Sen. Warnock's three debate proposals.

So Sen. Warnock put out this ad to challenge Walker further.

Fox and Friends Brian Kilmeade came to Walker's rescue telling his supporters he won 68% of the vote in the primary to set him up, "Why won't you commit to a debate?"

“Well, first of all, Senator Warnock has nothing else to talk about,” Walker dodged.

Huh? WTF? That's what a debate is for. To talk and debate the issues.

"I’ve told him many times I’m ready debate him any time, any day. I just want to make it for the fans, not about a political party or some media, and all they are doing is talking. I want to make it a fair and equal debate for the people,” Walker said.

For. The. Fans????

Do you have any idea what he means? Does Kilmeade have any idea what Walker just said?

To rescue Walker further, Kilmeade asked about the debate moderator, because at this time there isn't one.

"I’m willing to cross the aisle and talk to him about who’s going to host this debate, not do it on his terms, but do it on the terms that the people can see the contrast between he and I, where I don’t want men in women's sports. I’m not gonna have that."

Warnock is the incumbent Senator and doesn't bow down to his challengers wishes. Although we have no idea what Walker's wishes are.

"I don’t wanna see high gas prices. I wanna see the crime stop. Those are things he voted for which he don’t want to admit, so he needs to answer to that because the Georgia people are talking. They want him to answer questions, not just hearing him to continue to talk to the media," Walker went on.

None of Walker's responses makes much sense except when he's able to throw in a talking point, but they fall flat. Even his staff knows he lies and makes no sense, according to The Daily Beast:

In conversations with GOP higher-ups, senior Walker campaign aides have held back on their ongoing struggles with containing, directing, and cleaning up after Walker—even if, internally, they believe he’s a serious liability, according to this source who is familiar with those conversations.

Kilmeade asked if he was going to debate Warnock again and blabbed about the rules and the moderator, again to try and pick him up. Fox News again proves itself as a GOP propaganda and election arm for their candidates.

"Oh yeah, that’s exactly right, but it seems like he wants to have a say in it because he wants to continue to hide behind other people rather than him getting out, doing what he’s supposed to do as representing the people, which he hasn’t done a good job at it,” Walker babbled.

Sen. Warnock is the sitting Senator so of course he has a say in it.

The only person hiding is Herschel Walker.

That's a debate I would pay to see.

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