Trump-Backed Karamo: Don't Have A 'Relationship With Demonically Possessed People'

Kristina Karamo, a Trump-backed Republican candidate for Michigan's Secretary of State and a huge supporter of Trump's stolen election lunacy claims people can have 'intimate relationships' with demonically possessed people.

Kristina Karamo, a Trump backed Republican candidate for Michigan's Secretary of State and a huge supporter of Trump's stolen election lunacy claims people can have 'intimate relationships' with demonically possessed people.

Methinks William Friedkin's The Exorcist has gotten to her.

Karamo is another Christian nationalist wacko and voter fraud ingrate that Trump welcomed into MAGA with open arms.

CNN's KFiles discovered many of her insane words in her podcasts titled, It's Solid Food.

Karamo is a forced-birth zealot who claims abortions are satanic sacrifices of our children.

And then she went into Ellen Burstyn territory.

"If a person has demonic possession — I know it's gonna sound really crazy to me saying that for some people, thinking like what?!" Karamo said in September 2020. "But having intimate relationships with people who are demonically possessed or oppressed — I strongly believe that a person opens themselves up to possession. Demonic possession is real."

By intimate I guess she means having sex with a demonically possessed person.

CNN compiled a greatest hits list back in November 2021 of some of Karamo's crazy beliefs.

I love horror movies, especially those taken from Catholicism. But this woman should never hold public office.

Can you imagine having this person running Michigan's elections? Kristina Karamo is a danger to democracy.

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