Trump Loses It Over News Of DOJ's Criminal Investigation Into Ex-President

You knew this was coming.

Finally, it appears that Merrick Garland woke up from his extraordinarily long nap for his department to open a criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 election. And Trump is still trying to overturn the election simply because he sustained a massive public narcissistic injury when Joe Biden beat him at the polls.

So, of course, Trump responded on Truth Social to the news that his corrupt ass is under criminal investigation. His response comes in three parts. Bloaty McBatshit is very upset this morning.

Just more disinformation by the Democrats, like the Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, the long running Mueller Report, which ended in No Collusion, and so much more. Now that we have found the answers to these crooked, election changing events, why is the Justice Department not prosecuting those responsible? Plenty of time left!

He just can't stop himself:

People forget, this is all about a Rigged and Stolen Election. But rather than go after the people that Rigged and Stole it, they go after the people that are seeking Honesty and Truth, and have Freedom of Speech, and many other defenses, on their side! Justice Department should look at The Crime of the Century. Evidence is massive and irrefutable!!!

He's under investigation in Georgia, too. Now, where have we heard about Trump's "perfect" phone calls before?

The Georgia phone calls were PERFECT. Many people and lawyers, on both sides, were knowingly on the one call, I assumed the call was taped, there were Zero complaints or angry "how dare you" charges made during the call, and no "hang ups" by anyone aggrieved or insulted at what was said. THEY WERE PERFECT CALLS. I was just doing my job as President, and seeking Fairness and the Truth. The Election was Rigged and Stolen!

OK, this isn't a hoax. Trump broke laws, and he's still trying to overturn the election. His Georgia phone call was anything but "perfect, and it led to his impeachment," and his big lie of a stolen election has been debunked ad nauseam.

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