Alex Jones Ordered To Pay Sandy Hook Parents $45.2M
The jury slapped Alex Jones with the maximum punitive damages they could award. It'll take him a few $800,000 days to get that money together.
This is how it's done. If we want to get rid of the parasites on polite society, the way to do that is to sue the crap out of them and make them pay for the transient chill up their spine they got when they defamed and harassed decent people who suffered a terrible loss.
Yesterday, the jury awarded the parents of Jesse Lewis $4.1 million in damages. Today, they slapped him with the maximum in punitive damages -- $45.2, for a total damage award of $49.3 million.
Since he makes the obscene sum of $800,000 per day, it should take him about 56.5 days to get that cash together. This is just the first lawsuit from his Sandy Hook defamation days. Others may even be more. Hell, they maybe should have shot for a class action. But lawsuit by lawsuit, settlement by settlement, Alex Jones will not have the same means by which to be a scourge on our society.
That is a very, very good thing.
Happy Friday!