Bernie Sanders: Republicans Only Moan When The Governement Helps The Working Class
If the very wealthy don't benefit then the GOP is against it.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders discussed the Student Debt Forgiveness plan by President Biden and told ABC News' This Week that it's a shock to Republicans when the government actually works for all of the American people.
Host George Stephanopoulos asked Sen. Sanders about criticisms from Republicans of Biden's executive order.
"Look, I know it is shocking, George, to some Republicans that the government actually, on occasion, does something to benefit working families and low-income people," Sanders said. "I don't hear any of these Republicans squawking when we give massive tax breaks to billionaires, when we have an effective tax rate today such that the 1 percent are having a lower effective tax rate than working people. We have major corporations in a given year don't pay a nickel in federal taxes."
"That's OK. But suddenly when we do something for working people, it is a terrible idea," he noted.
Sen. Sanders hits the nail on the head as usual when it comes to Republican greed.
This is the case whenever a Democratic Congress passes legislation to help the entire working class of this country and not the elites.
The only members of the United States that are worthy of being helped by the federal government in the GOP cannon are the very wealthy and corporations.
Crying about forgiving 10-20K per family of oppressive student debt is all Republicans can do.
Mehdi Hasan nails it too. Outrage for Republicans because people in the upper 2% of the country don't benefit.