Fox News Complains About Lower Gas Prices

Only on right-wing media is lowering gas prices bad for America.

Right wing tax nut Grover Norquist told Fox News' Sandra Smith that gas prices dropping across the country is bad because in his estimation people are driving less.

Huh? Just a few months ago when prices soared, Fox News was screaming how higher gas prices were killing America.

Norquist cried to Fox News viewers that we are experiencing "the lowest gas consumption since the bottom of the pandemic back in 2020."

"They are driving less, one presumes, because prices are so high," Norquist said.

"This is not good news, this is bad news," he said.

When is it bad news when Americans are using less gasoline?

When is it bad news if Americans are being smart about their resources?

U.S. roads, bridges and tunnels will fare better with less traffic.

The planet surely appreciates it, especially when heat waves are causing so much misery around the world.

Host Sandra Smith seemed not to be on board with his take.

"Some will say we'll take it, this drop in gas prices, you can put that up on the screen the national averages has been dipping," Smith said. And she is correct.


And then she cosigned Norquist's fear mongering about lower gas consumption by saying production isn't up so it doesn't count somehow.

In this time of Covid stress, Covid supply chain issues, and Covid inflation, any drop in prices is a good thing.

Gas prices in California rose to $7.69 in Los Angeles several months ago. Now they are as low as $5.65 a gallon, That's a huge difference.

Only paid shills of BIG Oil and the QAnon GOP would say people using less gas is a bad thing.

But on Fox News, good news for any Democratic-led government is bad news for everyone.

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