Kristi Noem Offers Truly Stupid Excuse For Trump's Doc Theft

The FBI may have planted docs on Trump to throw another election? WOW, conspiracy theories are the only defense for Trump's refusal to turn over top secret documents.

On Tuesday's Fox and Friends, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem "posited" that the FBI may have planted incriminating documents at Mar A Lago to frame Trump so that he can't run in 2024.

You wish, Kristi!

Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy aggressively questioned the South Dakota Govorner as to why Trump would keep these top-secret documents in his possession, even in his desk, after he left office.

"[Trump] had apparently three classified documents in his desk, and as Brian [Kilmeade] detailed, the stuff on the floor, it shows five yellow folders marked top-secret, and another says secret SCI, which means sensitive compartmentalized information. Those are the biggest secrets in the world," Doocy said.

"Why would he have all that stuff at Mar-A-Lago?" he asked.

With no leg to stand on, the South Dakota Governor who desperately hopes to be Trump's running mate in 2024, said,"What was in all those documents and folders, do you know?" she asked.

How would a Fox News host know since they were top secret?

"And we deserve to know," she said. So she can't be trusted with top-secret intel, either. Good to know.

Then, like clockwork, Noem went QAnon.

"I don't know if the DOJ and FBI can be trusted to tell us what was in there."

(They are classified top-secret documents, the American public may never know what was in there. Because that's what secret means, Kristi. )

"Do we know that that is what was really what Trump brought to his home? Do we know that he put them there? Do we know what's inside?" she asked.

Steve Bannon would be proud.

"This has been a political fight against Trump. They have attacked him for years and years. They want to destroy him. That is why we can't trust them to do this alone."

Co-host Ainsley Earhardt asked, "When will they tell us what's in those documents? The day before the election?"

"Yeah, I'm guessing or the day after," Noem said. "This is all political. They are going to use it to their advantage to see what they can do to manipulate an election again."

Again? That would be the deep state, right?

Republicans have had to attack all US intelligence services to deflect from Trump, since he has been corrupt for his entire adult life.

Trump even took the word of Putin over US agencies as a sitting president.

The only recourse the MAGA cult has is to "investigate the investigators" and put the FBI on trial instead of the treasonous Trump.

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