Mike's Blog Round-Up
Links to Great Liberal Blogs & Inoffensive Substacks
The Still Killing Al-Qaeda Edition
Did you know Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has a substack? (What, he can't afford to give away his insights?) He does, & here he remembers Bill Russell. And check his Jordan Peterson take.
Why don't we care about the "special military operations" the United Snakes is always conducting? They aren't "our" wars, they're the President's wars. And the next President's, & the next President's.
McSweeney's: Kamala Harris attacks America!!
Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam ... Techdirt has the truth about the Republican hysteria over fundraising e-mail being sent to spam by "Big Tech". The truth is ... Republican technological incompetence. How do they win anything?
Bonus: Groucho!
An M. Bouffant effort. Submissions considered at mbru@crooksandliars.com.