'Tehran Tom' Cotton Calls Out Josh Hawley Over NATO

Hawley went full-on 'One World Order' nonsense to downplay the importance of a strong NATO.

Today the Senate debated allowing Sweden and Finland to join NATO.

The vote is expected to be swift and very overwhelming in support of these two Nordic nations.

As usual we have a-holes like Sen. Josh Hawley who don't understand the role of NATO in the world, why Russia is against their inclusion and how it is the United State's best interest as a whole.

"The Senate will vote today on whether to expand NATO by admitting Sweden and Finland, " he said.

"I intend to vote No and I encourage my colleagues to do the same," Hawley stated to the cheers of Russian state-sponsored television.

Hawley said the two countries want to join NATO because it is in their national interests.

I agree. It is.

"The question that should be properly be before us however is is it in the United States' interest to do so," he said, speaking for Putin. "It's about American security. Protecting American workers etc."

"I fear that some in this town have lost that. They think American foreign policy is about creating a liberal world order," Hawley said.


NATO is not NAFTA, or The Rothchilds, or a global cabal of hidden elites, or any other economic legislative body.

After WWII, forming an international alliance to thwart any rogue nation, autocratic strongman, or fascist ruler is in the best interest of the United States and the nations that join.

Is Hawley that stupid? Has he been corrupted that much by the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Sen. Tom Cotton, another loathsome creature actually pushed back against 'Run-Away-Josh.'

Via Raw Story:

"It would be strange indeed for any senator who voted to allow Montenegro or North Macedonia into NATO to turn around and deny membership to Finland and Sweden," he remarked.

"I would love to hear the defense of such a curious vote," Cotton added, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

UPDATE: The Senate did approve their admission to NATO.

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