Steve Doocy Begs Trump To End Rhetoric Against FBI

Steve Doocy (and his bosses?) know where this rhetoric will lead.

On Fox and Friends this morning, co-host Steve Doocy blasted the repeated criticisms and attacks against FBI agents by Trump and his minions.

Since the lawful search warrant was executed, the nation has seen intense and highly vitriolic rebukes by Trump and all his enablers, including certain Fox News hosts.

Steve Doocy is worried for the safety of FBI agents.

"It would be great for everyone to tamp down the rhetoric against the FBI, because the FBI was simply doing what the DOJ asked them to do," Doocy said.

Doocy explained to the knuckleheads that Merrick Garland is their boss and is calling the shots.

(Doocy was actually trying to get MAGA to turn their attention to Biden's Attorney General.)

"It would ultimately be great if the former president, who has always been a great supporter of law enforcement, posed with a thousand police departments coast-to-coast," he said. (Trump does love photo ops.)

Trump has "always been a great supporter of law enforcement" except for those officers that died defending US Capitol against his coup attempt.

"It would be great if he called for an end to the violent rhetoric against federal law enforcement and, in particular, the FBI that was just doing their job," Doocy said again.

Kilmeade responded by claiming conservatives have been repeatedly victimized and almost cosigned the violence against the FBI. Kilmeade actually used scumbag Peter Navarro as a reason why MAGA should be threatening the FBI.

"But as Trey Gowdy pointed out, for you to look at the situation and think that Democrats and Republicans have been treated the same over the last few years, you'd have to be looking at a different situation," Kilmeade said.

"I mean leg irons for Peter Navarro," Kilmeade signed in disgust.

If anyone deserved to be in leg irons, it is Peter Navarro.

It's never Trump or any of his supporters' fault that there was actual violence and corruption.

Who was it that attacked the US Capitol?

Who was it that tried to overthrow the free and fair 2020 election?

Who was it that tried to force Georgia officials to falsify voting records in their state?

Who was it that helped perpetrate the false narrative and BIG Lie about voter fraud?

Who was it that murdered five law enforcement officers on January 6?

Fox News, including Fox and Friends, has been ginning up anger, fear, resentment, and frustration for Trump's supporters since he lost his reelection. They defend every immoral and illegal action he and his ilk have taken.

Now that Trump has turned their ire against the FBI, suddenly Trump's caustic words and actions are a bit too much for Doocy?

While I applaud your recent outbursts of conscience of late, Mr. Doocy, it's a little too late.

You reap what you sow at Fox News.

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