Will Republicans Apologize To The FBI?

Will Rand Paul do his best to undermine the whacko conspiracy theories that the FBI planted any evidence against the former president?

Newsweek is reporting that through a confidential source , the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago because they were able to describe what classified material Trump had taken.

"Both senior government officials say the raid was scheduled with no political motive, the FBI solely intent on recovering highly classified documents that were illegally removed from the White House," according to the Newsweek article.

Remember, it was Trump who publicized the search-and-seizure which turned the MAGA cult into a civil war-ready time bomb.

Trump and Republicans tried to get Hillary Clinton jailed for using a private server before the 2016 general election, but there was no evidence of criminal behavior.

Trump then signed into law a harsher penalty for the unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials.

Once again, no laws seem to pertain to Trump's own behavior, even the ones he lauded.

The NY Times also reported that "Justice Department officials were worried that the former president had not fully complied with requests to return material taken from the White House that included possible classified information."

Throughout his presidency, Mr. Trump was disdainful of record-preservation laws, and was known to tear up documents and in some cases to flush them down toilets.

If Trump is found to be in possession of classified documents illegally will the entire GOP and Fox News entourage apologize for disparaging the entire FBI?

Will Sen. Rand Paul go back on Fox and Friends and admit he was wrong?

Will Sen. Paul do his best to undermine the whacko conspiracy theories that the FBI planted any evidence against the former president?

I think we all know the answer to that.

Smearing anyone or anything that dares to hold Trump accountable is their default setting.

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