Abbott Coordinates With Fox To Treat Migrants Like Cattle

These migrants are human beings but are being treated like throwaway checker pieces in a game that has life-threatening consequences.

Earlier today, Fox and Friends was Johnny-on-the-spot to film migrants on buses being dropped off at Vice President Kamala Harris's location.

They were sent there by Texas Governor Greg Abbott as a publicity stunt, apparently coordinated with Fox.

Co-host Steve Doocy was elated as he introduced this segment.

"This is something new, " Doocy said. "Buses filled with migrants from our southern border have just arrived outside Vice President Kamala Harris's residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington DC."

As usual, the migrant hunting bastard Griff Jenkins was on hand for Fox News to cover this horrible con.

As these poor souls, many from Venezuela, get off the bus, Jenkins tries to shove a microphone in their faces to get comments.

Later in the segment, Jenkins admitted this PR stunt was not thought out.

"But again, where these migrants are going to go right now, is anybody's guess as we watch this unfold," Jenkins said.

Jenkins then said Governor Abbott sent them to the Naval Observatory specifically because of Vice President Harris's comments on Meet the Press.

Obviously, this is a coordinated publicity stunt, orchestrated between Greg Abbott and Fox News to cover this as if it was an actual news event instead of a serious attack on human rights against the undocumented.

These migrants are human beings but are being treated like throw-away checker pieces in a game that has life-threatening consequences.

How is your power grid doing these days, Greg Abbott?

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