Palin Loses, So MAGA Flips Out Over Ranked-Choice Voting

Didn't Alaska Republicans WANT ranked choice and jungle primaries to kick out Lisa Murkowski? Fail.

The defeat of Sarah Palin in Alaska's special House election was lovely, wasn't it?

But MAGA can't admit Alaskans are just sick of her tired act, but instead took aim at the ranked-choice voting system that Alaskans voted to implement.

Charlie Kirk, (a most unreliable MAGA miscreant as they come) claimed this voting system turns reliably red states into purple and blue states.

"In some states, Republicans are going along with it," he said.

It purports to be a really simple voting system that helps voters make sure their least favorite candidate does not win.

Kirk claimed ranked choice voting is "trusting your vote to an algorithm, to not have the winner, to not have the winner actually be the winner..."

Kirk's algorithm nonsense is in line with the insane evangelical claims of "AI overthrow of your brain." It's not an evil algorithm that decides who wins and loses the election, it's the voters.

"It does show, and it should be a warning about what ranked-choice voting means for our civilization, for our Republic, and for how we select leaders...," he said.

Kirk suddenly claims it's the most important technical thing happening right now, right under their noses.

Sen. Tom Cotton jumped into the fray as well, claiming -- rigged elections!

Ranked-choice voting wasn't a thing because MAGA idiots predicted an easy win for Palin, so now it's "an evil AI" running amok.

Republicans only care about the will of the people when it benefits their side entirely.

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