Michael Flynn: GOP Governors Will Declare War

Flynn is calling for a civil war in no uncertain terms.

During a rally in Arizona for election denier and Secretary of State candidate (guess which party) Mark Finchum, extreme far-right zealot Michael Flynn predicted that some (Republican, obviously) governors will declare war.

The disgraced former National Security Advisor for Trump, who said Trump should have declared martial law after he lost the 2020 presidential election, is continuing his brand of QAnon lunacy.

Speaking at an event for Mark Finchem, Flynn attacked the federal government by claiming 90% of all agencies must be eliminated. Then made this outrageous claim:

"States, states rights!," Flynn said. "Did you know that a governor can declare war? A governor can declare war, Okay? and we’re gonna probably see that,” Flynn said.

Flynn is calling for a civil war in no uncertain terms.

The states' rights arguments emanated from the racist southern state strategy decades ago, and have never stopped being a pillar of Conservative politics.

After being pardoned by Trump after he pled guilty to two felonies, Flynn has joined the QAnon club as a platinum grifter.

Maybe Flynn should forfeit his military pension from the federal government if he truly believes the federal government must be almost entirely dissolved.

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