Mikes Blog Round-Up
Hot Liberal Blogs For Your Labor Day Edification
The Ironic Labor Day Edition: It's Labor Day, & I'm working for nothing. How ironically American is that?
Also, it's 103°F (39.44°C, "feels like" 107°F) as I type this.
Saturday's Bund Rally, from PM Carpenter.
Rally bonus from Hullabaloo: Many of Trump's statements Saturday, curated from Twitter.
Republican candidate quality & banality, examined by riverdaughter of The Confluence.
From Hackwhackers, a Labor Day item (& book recommendation): The Black Washerwomen Who Changed The Labor Movement.
Music Bonus: First Draft on Todd Rundgren.
By M. Bouffant, who got it done before the power went out or he collapsed from heat exhaustion. Submissions to mbru@crooksandliars.com will be considered.